New domain

I’m a stereotypical nerd in that I love hopping. Distro-hopping? Y-e-s please. Framework-hopping? Yoss. E-mail-hopping? Obviously. Domain-hopping? Hell yea, sis.

OK, I’m not nearly as much of a hopper as I used to— I’ve stuck to OpenBSD/LibertyBSD for like three years, haven’t switched away from FVWM2 as my WM for that time, and stuck with Vim for a year or two.’s also been my e-mail for a pretty long time now.

But as far as domains go, I’m still as jumpy as ever. I’ve done some real ugly, massively cringey stuff with domain names. Let me just take you on a quick tour of the names I’ve used for my personal site— (IIRC),,,— and I know I had one or two before jadedmeta, but I just can’t remember them.

But I think I’ve finally found the perfect one this time. It’s short, sweet, and only a slight-bit cringy.!

OK, OK, hear me out— xwx is a nice emoticon. moe is a cute and weeby domain-name. Thus it’s a winner, way better than is a mouthful, hard to dictate, and has “US”, a weird TLD to use for something that’s not at all tied to a given country.

Anyway, this is my heads-up for anyone that visits for git repos or whatever the hell. Update your clone-URLs to will keep being used until 2020-12-18, during which time it’ll redirect to

Aight, cya.